Following the journey, this is a period in which clients are assisted in meaning making of the experiences that arose during journey. The length of time one engages in integration is varied and may span several weeks to several months and includes a variety of mind/body centered therapeutic techniques. Integration often serves to cultivate one’s insights after the journey and deepens insights from the actual medicine sessions. Integration services often facilitates client’s expression, on many levels. Emotional expression and physical expression is common and may be generated through guided somatic experiencing activities, yoga positions and advanced breathing techniques. Clients often engage in in reflection of medicine sessions with the support of the therapist. There is often a continued unfolding process within weeks or months after medicine sessions and is a critical period to maximize healing benefits. Focused Healing for Rapid Progress
Integration offers a continued container to explore one’s thoughts, feelings, and emotions images, as well as memories that may have arisen during the session. Emotions can continue to come in waves, and its often crucial to have a therapist presence for a period of time following medicine session. Trauma images may surface both during and following journeys, and take various forms such as flashbacks, dreams and even invasive thought that you might not be prepared for. Often clients embrace a newfound appreciation of their parts, which serve a protective function, such as the avoider, caretaker, sarcastic, anxious, or angry part, for example, which surfaces during the medicine session. Lastly, much of the integration period is focused on continuing to assist clients in fostering their relationship to Self.